The Unexpected Impact of an Infomercial

If pressed to give our favorite aspect of The Florida Run events, it’s most definitely the running community that has developed and stayed united through the years.

 Whether in person or through comments on our social media pages we sometimes get a glimpse into the inspiring stories that lie within each of us.

 Maria is one of those. Here are some of the details behind her inspiration.

Whether you think you can,
or you think you can’t, you are right.”

-Henry Ford

Maria's before picture. Standing in front of a Disney Run graphic banner holding up her medallion.

What made you start running,
and how has it rocked your world?

I began my fitness journey shortly after my second son was born. He had a hard time sleeping so I would watch infomercials for Shaun T 25 workouts and decided to give it a try.  About a 1 ½ yrs later a co-worker suggested I sign up for the Disney Marathon. I called my husband who ran track and field in high school and asked if he would train me. He’s a good sport and said, “that’s 26.2 miles, do you know what you are getting into?”  We decided to tackle a half marathon first—the Princess Half marathon in 2016—and had 7 months to get me ready.hrough lush landscapes, dense forests, and scenic lakeshores as you navigate the well-maintained trails of Colt Creek State Park. Our trail run is designed to cater to all levels of runners, from beginners to seasoned athletes, providing a diverse terrain that combines the thrill of elevation changes, winding paths, and the occasional creek crossing.

Maria's after photo posing on the dock at Colt Creek State Park holding up her Florida Run medallion.

What was your first experience
with The Florida Run?

My first-ever race was The Florida Run 10k in 2015. We used it as a training run for my half marathon. It was tough! All my training had been on pavement. However, I loved the challenge of it, and felt so connected to the environment and my Creator.

At that moment, I knew I had
a problem to face.”


Maria taking a selfie while on a run.

What Memorable Running Moments Stand out the Most?

I have so many incredible memories—my first marathon and 50k with Masters of All Terrain, were amazing. I also ran the NYC marathon for its 50th anniversary—that was magical! As a New Yorker, it was very profound to run through my city.

Do You Have A Funny Running Story to Share?

During one of my trail runs in Hal Scott Preserve, we passed small bodies of water with the most gigantic alligators! They were definitely the biggest I have ever seen. I’m sure I ran a 5-minute pace to get the heck out of there, LOL!

How Has Running Impacted
Your Healing & Recovery Process?

Ah, this hits close to home for me. I am an alcoholic in recovery and have been 3 yrs sober. During the pandemic, I homeschooled our youngest son, who is autistic. This new responsibility along with doing therapy at home brought in some added stress. I turned to evening drinks to help me relax.

It absolutely didn’t help me or my family. After, a weekend binge, I went for a run to clear my head and it was the worst run ever! At that moment, I knew I had a problem to face. I gave up drinking and it is one of the best decisions of my life. Running continues to help me with cravings, mood swings, and a negative attitude.

Stylish selfie wearing The Florida Run tank top while looking off into the distance.

As a Mom, How Do You Balance Your Running Goals with Family Life?

I have a running stroller so my “little person” is able to go with me. I’ve even been able to run training intervals this way.  Sometimes, I head out for an early morning run before anyone is up. And on the weekends, I coordinate with my husband for my long runs. He is super supportive. All of these options help me to be consistent with my training.

Maria posing with her sons in front of the Nasa logo.

"We are meant to move and I LOVE sharing this message with others."


Maria and friends posing in front of a 5k sign after their run.

How Do You Use Your Love for Running
to Inspire and Uplift Others?

I recently, became a RRCA running coach through a program called Game Changers. It’s a program for woman that promotes diversity in running spaces.

I recently trained someone to complete a half marathon for the first time, and she did amazing. She then went on to complete her first 10k and is planning a marathon for 2024. I’m so proud of her! 

We are meant to move and I LOVE sharing this message with others.

Inspire Others


Inspire Others 〰️


Meet William Wehril


A Stroller, Twins and a Healthy Choice